Tuesday 7 April 2009

Book review - 'Simplicity is the Key' by Trevor Gay

'Simplicity is the Key' by Trevor Gay makes excellent reading. As we move deeper into the current economic crisis, and we also grapple with the hugely complex issues surrounding the ongoing shift from secondary to primary care this book offers a refreshing opportunity to step back, take a deep breath and think more simply. (book review by Rhian Last, GP Practice Manager).
Trevor and his wife Annie are running in this year's London Marathon and funds from the sale of the book will go towards their chosen charity 'Carers UK'. For further information why not visit the Simplicity is the Key Website.

1 comment:

  1. Many thanks for plugging my book. The book is now available for £5 per copy and all proceeds going to our charity 'Carers UK' for whom my wife and I are running the London Marathon on 26th April.

    Please send me an e mail if you wish to purchase a copy/copies - £4 per book for orders of 10 or more books

